Project Description is a free/open-source library with the aim to provide an object-oriented framework for
- numerical computations, i.e.
- Linear Algebra operations,
- Numerical Integration,
- Fast-Fourier-Transformation,
- 1-/n-dimensional Optimization,
- curve/surface fitting,
- special functions etc.
- quantitative finance (pricing and risk management).
- actuarial science.
Moreover the Excel interface of contains a part that serves as a high-level extension of Excel-DNA, i.e. it can be used as building block for individual Excel Add-In’s independent of other features of
The logo and project name
The name Dodoni (also written Dodona) goes back to the oracle situated in northwestern Greece of the same name. The shrine of Dodona was regarded as the oldest Hellenic oracle, see
Priestesses and priests in the sacred grove interpreted the rustling of the oak (or beech) leaves to determine the correct actions to be taken.
In addition, the logo of the project contains a stylized picture of the theater of Dodona which can be interpreted as C (for the language C#) as well.
General is developed using .NET. The complete feature set of requires external libraries for BLAS, LAPACK, Random Number Generators, Fast-Fourier-Transformations etc. See Documentation for further details.
- One useful by-product of the project is a high-level extension of Excel-DNA which allowes the development of Excel-AddIns.
- is free for all use, and distributed under MIT license that also allows commercial use.
The project was hosted at before. The GitHub’s pages are based on Jekyll Doc Theme, a Jekyll-based theme designed for documentation and help systems.
The project is divided into several assemblies, each of it is related to a specific purpose, see Documentation for further details.
Third-party libraries
For the following third-party libraries some functionality is provided (as a .net wrapper) by the project:
- BLAS (Level 1-3; Fortran and C interface).
- LAPACK (large subset only).
- FFTW (Fastest Fourier Transform in the West) (1-dimensional only).
- Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL) (1-dimensional Fourier Transformation, Random Number Generators, Vector unit operations, Data Fitting etc.).
- AMD Core Math Library (ACML) (1-dimensional Fourier Transformation, Random Number Generators etc.).
- NLopt is a free/open-source library for nonlinear optimization.
- LibM (from AMD) is a 64bit software library containing a collection of basic math functions and vector functions.
- Yeppp! is a high-performance SIMD-optimized mathematical library for x86, ARM, and MIPS processors on Windows, Android, Mac OS X, and GNU/Linux systems.
Related Projects
… for User interface:
- Excel-DNA is an independent project to integrate .NET into Excel.
… for Testing:
- NUnit a unit-testing framework for all .Net languages.
- NSubstitute a friendly substitute for .NET mocking frameworks.
- Keisan Online Calculator provides High Accuracy results and useful calculators for daily life, learning, business and research.
- Wolfram Functions Site contains the world’s most encyclopedic collection of information about mathematical functions.
… other:
- Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.
- QuantLib is a free/open-source project aimed at providing a comprehensive software framework for quantitative finance, written in C++.
- QlNet is a .NET port of the QuantLib written in C#.
- Math.NET Numerics provide methods and algorithms for numerical computations in science, engineering and every day use.